By lliu | Sun, 04/18/2021 - 18:08

WebPhy serves as a dedicated web server tailored for phylogenomic inference, designed to offer training and computational resources to the phylogenetics community. The surge in genomic data availability presents a daunting challenge in comprehending and utilizing the continuously evolving analytical tools for phylogenomic inference. WebPhy offers a user-friendly interface for conducting a series of analyses on phylogenomic data, including alignment, phylogenetic tree reconstruction, model selection and validation, species tree estimation, simulation, and more.

from Grunwald and Goss 2011

The training portal offers a sequence of presentations aimed at elucidating the biological, mathematical, and statistical principles underlying computational approaches. These presentations encompass not only theoretical concepts in mathematics or statistics but also practical demonstrations of implementing phylogenetic models using R and Python code for real data analysis.

The computational portal offers a web interface for executing tools dedicated to phylogenomic inference. Through WebPhy, users can analyze their data without the necessity of directly handling the underlying programs or software.

A pipeline for Phylogenomic Analysis


If you are using this website for phylogenetic inference, please cite the following papers as see appropriate. 

Liu, L., Yu, L. Estimating species trees from unrooted gene trees. Syst Biol 2011.

Liu, L., Yu, L., Edwards, S.V. A maximum pseudo-likelihood approach for estimating species trees under the coalescent model. BMC Evol. Biol. 2010, 10:302.

Liu, L., Yu, L. Phybase: An R package for species tree analysis. Bioinformatics 2010, 26(7):962-963.

Contributors to this website: Shaoyuan Wu, Lili Yu, Liang Liu. For questions, please contact